I've created a factory that's using variadic templates and auto-registration. I'm having a run-time crash with the code below with respect to move semantics when invoking a constructor (a parameter is moved) when trying to create a type that has auto-registered itself - via the Factory.
Could someone explain to me what the issue is causing the run-time crash and how to correct it?
I'm using c++17, so if there are constructs I should be using, I'd appreciate advice (example code) on that too.
EDIT: the 'access violation" crash occurs when ~Base() destructor executes - however, the member "_moveString" is NULL when the Base() constructor finishes. So, the memory clearly isn't being moved correctly in the constructor and then something causes a crash during destruction.
EDIT: Compiler versions tested are: Visual Studio 2017 with "Version 19.14.26430" and "GCC 7.3"
EDIT: removed code version where 'Base::_moveString' was a 'boost::optional' to 'std::unique_ptr'
EDIT: changed code to ensure exact function type match and only have a single param that we perform an "std::move" on (which is the focus of the issue)
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <typeindex>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std;
class Base
Base(unique_ptr<string>&& moveString)
_moveString(move(moveString)) // why is moveString empty here? Should have value "moveString"
virtual ~Base() = default;
virtual void DoSomething() const = 0;
unique_ptr<string> _moveString;
class Factory final
template<typename My_Type, typename... Args>
static unique_ptr<My_Type> Create(Args&&... args)
unique_ptr<My_Type> type = nullptr;
auto iter = GetCreateFunctions().find(typeid(My_Type));
if (GetCreateFunctions().end() != iter)
typedef unique_ptr<My_Type>(*create_func)(Args...);
auto create = reinterpret_cast<create_func>(iter->second);
//auto a = (get<1>(forward_as_tuple(forward<Args>(args)...))).get(); // DEBUGGING
type = create(forward<Args>(args)...);
return type;
template<typename My_Type, typename Func>
static bool Register(Func func)
bool isRegistered = false;
if (GetCreateFunctions().end() == GetCreateFunctions().find(typeid(My_Type)))
GetCreateFunctions()[typeid(My_Type)] = reinterpret_cast<void*>(func);
isRegistered = true;
return isRegistered;
static unordered_map<type_index, void*>& GetCreateFunctions()
static unordered_map<type_index, void*> map;
return map;
class Derived final : public Base
Derived(unique_ptr<string>&& moveString)
~Derived() = default;
void DoSomething() const override
if (_moveString)
// do something...
static const bool _isRegistered;
static unique_ptr<Derived> Create(unique_ptr<string>&& moveString)
return make_unique<Derived>(move(moveString));
const bool Derived::_isRegistered = Factory::template Register<Derived>(&Derived::Create);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
string moveString = "moveString";
unique_ptr<Base> myBase = Factory::template Create<Derived>(make_unique<string>(move(moveString)));
if (myBase)
return 0;
Your map stores void *
and you reinterpret_cast
function pointers to and from that. The code that consumes the function pointer is:
// Args... is deduced from arguments to Create()
typedef std::unique_ptr<MyType>(*create_func)(Args...);
auto create = reinterpret_cast<create_func>(iter->second);
however the value you put into the map was the address of:
static std::unique_ptr<Derived> Create(unique_ptr<string>&& moveString)
This causes undefined behaviour. When calling a function through a function pointer, the called function must have exactly the same type as the function pointer points to. (Ref: C++17 [expr.call]/1).
which is a mismatch on the parameter type.
When using a forwarding reference, Args
is deduced to either T
or T&
(never T&&
). The syntax Args&&
produces either T&
or T&&
. So the required change is:
typedef std::unique_ptr<MyType>(*create_func)(Args&&...);