I am trying to use Dapper with AspNetCore 2.0 web api. I have used this before but it is not working since I downloaded dotnet 2.1. It appears that the nuget package is not downloading. How do I determine the warning for this problem? If enough information below is available, what steps do I take to resolve this?
Simply nuget install dapper 1.50.5 (this also works for Serilog). And this displays:
Assuming I had an error and the build was not working I removed reference to dapper and built.
But when I add a using reference I am getting an error:
I even changed the package management solution:
Try to Reinstalling packages according to project target framework
Update-Package –reinstall <package_name>
A package that is installed against an old target framework gets uninstalled and the same package gets installed against the current target framework of the project.
For more check When to Reinstall a Package
Or clear the nuget cache: enter image description here