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Applescript Mail Attachment Not Sending

The following Applescript sends an email successfully but does not attach the wav file. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thank you.

    tell application "Mail"

    set theSubject to "Voicemail"
    set theContent to read (the POSIX path of "/private/tmp/voice.tgCrnv/BODY.txt")
    set theAddress to ""
    set theSender to ""
    set theAttachmentFile to (POSIX file "/private/tmp/voice.tgCrnv/msg_1bb3b4f2-c6b1-4012-89c0-a19177cc6ca2.wav") as string

    set msg to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theContent, visible:false, sender:theSender}

    tell msg to make new to recipient at end of every to recipient with properties {address:theAddress}
    tell msg to make new attachment with properties {file name:theAttachmentFile as alias}

    send msg
end tell


  • This work for me

    set theSubject to "Voicemail"
    set theContent to read "/private/tmp/voice.tgCrnv/BODY.txt"
    set theAddress to ""
    set theSender to ""
    set theAttachmentFile to "/private/tmp/voice.tgCrnv/msg_1bb3b4f2-c6b1-4012-89c0-a19177cc6ca2.wav" as POSIX file as alias
    tell application "Mail"
        set msg to make new outgoing message with properties ¬
            {subject:theSubject, content:theContent, visible:false, sender:theSender}
        tell msg
            make new to recipient at end of every to recipient with properties {address:theAddress}
            make new attachment at end of last character of content with properties ¬
                {file name:theAttachmentFile}
        end tell
        delay 1
        send msg
    end tell