Here I expected that all 4 IDs will be the same, however it seems that when I pass class property to the default
attribute of the getattr
, it simply skips the attribute lookup and always return the default
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In [1]: from datetime import datetime
...: class my_cls(object):
...: @property
...: def _id(self):
...: self._cid =
...: return self._cid
...: def get_id(self):
...: return getattr(self, '_cid', self._id)
...: cls = my_cls()
...: print('Init ID:', cls._id)
...: print('Still OK:', getattr(cls, '_cid', False))
...: print('WRONG:', getattr(cls, '_cid', cls._id))
...: print('WRONG:', cls.get_id())
Init ID: 2018-06-17T12:45:20.409601
Still OK: 2018-06-17T12:45:20.409601
WRONG: 2018-06-17T12:45:20.409804
WRONG: 2018-06-17T12:45:20.409849
Is that expected and/or documented behaviour? Why is getattr
doing what it's doing?
It's not getattr
, it's your code accessing cls._id
before calling getattr
In Python, before a function is called, all its arguments are evaluated. In particular, in getattr(cls, '_cid', cls._id)
subexpression cls._id
is evaluated. In order to do so, _id
property is accessed, which updates _cid
. getattr
is called afterwards and returns the updated value.