I am trying to run some queries on Microsoft Academic Graph using their API. I cannot figure out what to use for the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key
. (I have seen this question and it did not help.) When I try to run queries I get the following message (401: access denied): Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure you are subscribed to an API you are trying to call and provide the right key.
. This happens either using curl on the command line:
curl -v -X GET "https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com\
expr=stochastic&model=latest&count=10&offset=0&attributes=Id" \
or using the API testing console.
So what am I using for the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key
? (Not a lot of Xs!) I've tried two things. First, I've tried using the key that you can get by going to https://labs.cognitive.microsoft.com/en-us/project-academic-knowledge and clicking on the subscribe link (either Key 1 or Key 2).
Second, I've tried using a key generated by going to the cognitive services on my azure portal, and trying to create a subscription to a suitable service. However, nothing that I can see matches the Academic Search API that I want to use, so I used a generic bing search subscription.
Neither of these grants me access to the API. What am I missing?
After first response by @ali-heikal, I tried going to here: https://dev.labs.cognitive.microsoft.com/docs/services/56332331778daf02acc0a50b/operations/5951f78363b4fb31286b8ef4/console. A red warning box appears at top of page: You are not subscribed to this API and will get a '401 Access Denied' response. To subscribe, go to the Products page and click on the desired product containing this API.
. If I go to the Products page, and go on to the Project Academic Knowledge - Preview page, I am offered the chance to subscribe. Clicking subscribe takes me to a generic MS sign in (I am signed in, choose that account), I am taken to a page which says:
We're unable to complete your request Microsoft account is experiencing technical problems. Please try again later.
So this does not work for me. Where is it documented that I should use this endpoint? Can someone provide further instructions on how to use it?
There is this answer which describes using a different endpoint: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49318405/54557. However, changing my curl request to use this does not work (with same Access denied error).
You're using the wrong endpoint, since you're using the Preview API, then you should use the Preview endpoint as well.
It should work if you follow those steps:
expr=Composite(AA.AuN=='ali heikal')&count=2&attributes=Ti,Y,CC,AA.AuN,AA.AuId
buttonCheck the Entity Attributes documentation here to understand the attributes I included following the Evaluate Method documentation here
I think the problem is that you are using an old key with the wrong endpoint and attribute values.