I am getting some strange problem... as title said...
I am making post request to change lang value by setting lang forever cookie.
After that I am checking if cookie exist and if it does to app()->setLocale(\Cookie::get('lang'))
and then use {{ app()->getLocale() }}
which returns stored lang value as en or fr.
But still page is loading config/app.php => 'locale'=>'en'
Can I at least change config('app.locale') value to \Cookie::get('lang')
or do you know what can be a problem here?
I found the answer, I need to add to every file inside views folder - new locale value to be able to retrieve right lang content.. I don't know why because I never had problem before but if somebody else have problem this may be solution.
Probably you change the locale not in the right place. You should use app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php
to do that.
Innside boot
method you could add something like this:
$this->app->setLocale(\Cookie::get('lang', 'en')
And then you will have language set all the time - when cookie is set to the value from cookie, otherwise to en
Then in your view you don't need to do anything. You can just use:
{{ trans('some.translated') }}
and it will be translated into valid language when you set translation in translation files.