I'm using RxViz to simulate different actions that comes every 1 sec. When I try
Rx.Observable.create(obs => {
obs.next([1, 2, 3]); // or could be ['aaa', 'bbbb', 'ccc']
or on my own with a console.log
it keeps displaying the three number 1, 2, 3 at the same time
There's a post about this same problem, but none of the answer works for me. I'm using Rx last version 6
How can I create an observable with a delay
[EDIT] The array can contains anything like number, string or any object
If you want to delay each value (by 1 sec for example), you may do something like the following:
Rx.Observable.create(obs => {
obs.next([1, 2, 3]);
// make observable to emit each element of the array (not the whole array)
mergeMap((x: [any]) => from(x)),
// delay each element by 1 sec
concatMap(x => of(x).pipe(delay(1000)))
.subscribe(x => console.log(x));
Here I did not modify the internals of the observable created by you. Instead, I just take your observable and apply appropriate operations to achieve what you seem to be expecting.