I would like to understand what is missing in the test to cover the file I'm working at, in order to achieve 100% coverage. Here are the parts under attention:
Given this typescript file:
public store: Store<AppState>
) {}
ngOnInit(): void {
this.search$ = this.store.select(s => s.search);
And this test:
it('should start observing the search store', () => {
const search: any = {
data: {}
const state = Observable.of(search);
const store = jasmine.createSpyObj('store', ['select']);
component.store = store;
Current test coverage:
I guess what I'm missing is something very stupid I blindly do not see it. Thanks for helping in advance.
Indeed as @shaunhusain suggested, this was the fix for the file
ngOnInit(): void {
this.search$ = this.store.select(this.getStoreSearchData);
private getStoreSearchData(store: AppState): Search {
return store.search;
and its test:
describe('#getStoreSearchData', () => {
it('should return the search store', () => {
const search: any = {
data: {}
const store = <AppState>{search: search};
const storeSearch = component['getStoreSearchData'](store);
and now coverage is back to 100%