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gcloud compute scp - permission denied error

I would like to transfer file from my local machine to Google cloud instance. Here is my command:

gcloud compute scp "C:\Temp\esim_replication.ipynb" nlp-3:

Here is error message:

pscp: unable to open ./esim_replication.ipynb: permission denied
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.scp) [C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK\google-clou
d-sdk\bin\sdk\pscp.exe] exited with return code [1].

This is brand new error. Everything worked fine 2 weeks ago. I am on Windows 7 locally and ran cmd as Administrator. I tried the above command with and without quotations.

Any suggestions?


  • It turned out that I already had identically named file at destination. This caused the error. But Patrick W comment is very helpful