I'm trying to create a python program that starts from a file.docx and a file.csv creates multiple .docx files. The problem is that the original file contains hyperlinks that are lost in the creation of new files
this is my python program
from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Inches
import csv
import os
f = open('file.csv')
nometofind = '[nome]'
cognometofind = '[cognome]'
reader = csv.reader(f)
for row in reader:
nometoreplace = nome
cognometoreplace = cognome
document = Document('OriginalFile.docx')
for par in document.paragraphs:
par.text = par.text.replace(nometofind, nometoreplace)
par.text = par.text.replace(cognometofind, cognometoreplace)
and this is an example of may original docx
[nome][cognome] email example@example.com
the output files are like these
output file 1-> john smith email
output file 2-> mario rossi email
Ciao, this is how to get a link inside DOCX file with "python-docx" library
from docx import Document
from docx.opc.constants import RELATIONSHIP_TYPE as RT
document = Document('nameFile.docx')
rels = document.part.rels
def leggiLink(rels):
for rel in rels:
if rels[rel].reltype == RT.HYPERLINK:
yield rels[rel]._target
print('print link inside file: nameFile.docx')
for i in leggiLink(rels):