I have a table of users
| User | Sale | Sex |
| user1 | 120 | M |
| user2 | 98 | M |
| user3 | 5 | F |
in laravel, we query this by the following statement:
$allMale = UserTable::where('Sex', 'M')->get();
What will happen in I try to query again on the same table
$allFemales = UserTable::where('Sex', 'F')->get();
$user1 = UserTable::where('User', 'user1')->get();
will it query 3 times? is it possible to query once and then Parse it multiple times?
Yes, I'm not sure if UserTable here is Builder or Eloquent but Eloquet under the hood is using MySQL so it will run 3 different queries:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE Sex = 'M';
SELECT * FROM users WHERE Sex = 'F';
SELECT * FROM users WHERE User = 'user1';
Of course you can do it like this:
$users = UserTable::where(function($q) {
$q->whereIn('Sex', ['M', 'F'])->orWhere('User', 'user1')
This will generate query:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE ((Sex IN ('M', 'F') OR USER = 'user1'))
and now you can get those users from variable like this using Laravel collection methods:
$allMale = $users->where('Sex', 'M')->get();
$allFemales = $users->where('Sex', 'F')->get();
$user1 = $users->where('User', 'user1')->get();
Now, assuming that user1 has sex set, you could in fact use:
$users = UserTable::whereIn('Sex', ['M', 'F'])->get();
In addition, assuming there is only single user1 instead of:
$user1 = $users->where('User', 'user1')->get();
probably better solution would be:
$user1 = $users->where('User', 'user1')->first();