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Create Swift class instance variable with lldb, versus Objective-C

Using my debugger (lldb) I can easily create Instances classes when it is Objective-C code.

(lldb) e id $my_hello = [hello_from_objc new]
(lldb) po $my_hello
<hello_from_objc: 0x1c4013020>
(lldb) po [$my_hello secret_objc_method]
(lldb) po (int) [$my_hello secret_objc_method]

But I can't work out how to do the same with lldb's expression command when the code is pure Swift. I create an instance in Swift code easily enough..

let my_swift_framework = Hello_Class()
print("✔️ \(my_swift_framework.samplePublicVariable)")


  • Here is an example: After executing the Swift code

    class HelloClass {
        func hello() {

    you can create an object in the debugger window:

    (lldb) expression let $myHello = HelloClass()
    (lldb) po $myHello
    <hello_class: 0x101121180>
    (lldb) po $myHello.hello()

    If you get an error

    error: unknown type name 'let'
    error: use of undeclared identifier 'HelloClass'

    then set the expression language to Swift explicitly:

    (lldb) expression -l swift -o -- let $myHello = HelloClass()
    (lldb) expression -l swift -o -- $myHello.hello()

    Or you can change the lldb language context back to Swift:

    (lldb) settings set target.language swift