I'm absolute beginner in UrhoSharp. I only wanted to implement some basic 3D stuff into my app. Everything works fine with SimpleApplication, the screen is supposed to be watched from one place and direction. When I touch the screen, the scene rotates however. How can I get rid of this behavior?
I wanted to try to override some function of SimpleApplication (probably OnUpdate) so I came with name CursedApplication replacing SimpleApplication everywhere. When I use
using CursedApplication = Urho.SimpleApplication;
everything still works. But what I supposed to be the equivalent
class CursedApplication : Urho.SimpleApplication
CursedApplication(ApplicationOptions options) : base(options)
breaks the application. Some idea how can I make things work? Or do I have to build my own scene logic without SimpleApplication?
Finally I found that this can be done with
where app is instance of SimpleApplication.