I've got a simple client app using react-google-login with this settings:
scope={config.SCOPES.join(' ')}
buttonText="Login With Google"
onSuccess={response => onSignIn('google', response)}
It retrieves the code successfully and sends it to the backend server which is written with NodeJS.
The server-side code looks like this:
const { google } = require('googleapis');
const config = global.config;
const oauth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2({
clientId: config.google.CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: config.google.CLIENT_SECRET,
// code omitted for the sake of simplicity
var authCode = req.body.authCode; // the provided code by google
const { tokens } = await oauth2Client.getToken(authCode);
return tokens;
When I run the code, it throws the error:
{ error: 'invalid_request',
error_description: 'Missing parameter: redirect_uri' } },
code: '400' }
and if I add redirectUrl to Developer Console, client app and server-side app, I'll get redirect_uri_mismatch
I'm kind of stuck here and couldn't find anything useful on the web.
Any workaround would be appreciated.
Found the solution
Based on one of the replies (surprisingly, not the answer) on this post,
All I needed to do was put postmessage
instead of the actual URL in my client react-google-login button and in oauth2Client config on the server.
no need for the redirect_uri on Developer Console at all.
scope={config.SCOPES.join(' ')}
buttonText="Login With Google"
onSuccess={response => onSignIn('google', response)}
const oauth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2({
clientId: config.google.CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: config.google.CLIENT_SECRET,
****redirectUri: 'postmessage'****
Did solve the issue. 5 hours of working, searching and beating my head to the desk. I wonder why there's no clear documentation on Google Developers website. Or maybe there are and I couldn't find them.