I am trying to use R to run post-hoc comparisons following a significant interaction for a mixed-method Anova. I would like to do the post-hoc similar to SPSS [EMMEANS=TABLES(Group*time) COMPARE(Group) ADJ(BONFERRONI)], using estimated marginal means but not assuming equality of variance.
Dependent variable = 'depvar'. I have 3 groups ('group') and 3 time points ('timept'), which are repeated measures over subjects ('id');
aov_car(depvar ~ group*timept + Error(id/(timept)), data=myData)
If I use pairwise.t.test I can compare groups separately for each time point, but the R uses observed means and I do not know how to force using the estimated marginal means of my model:
for (itimept in unique(myData$timept)){
If I use emmeans or lsmeans then R uses estimated marginal means, but assumes variances are the same (the SE in the results are all the same).
myfit=lme(depvar ~ group*timept, random = ~1|id/timept, data=myData)
emmeans(myfit, pairwise~group|timept, adjust="bonferroni")
How do I run post-hoc comparisons between groups for each time point, using estimated marginal means but not assuming equal variances, similar to SPSS?
Thanks! Cristina
It isn’t emmeans
that assumes equal variances. It is the model that you fitted and subsequently handed to emmeans
for further analysis. Fit a different model using, I think, the weights
argument, that specifies unequal variances.
I believe that this model will do the trick:
myfit = lme(depvar ~ group*timept,
random = ~1|id/timept,
weights = varFunc(~ group*timept),
data = myData)