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How to determine how many free google distance queries are left on my account?

I'm pulling distance/time information for a large number of origin/destination pairs using the Google Maps API in R. I'm currently using the gmapsdistance package but have looked at a few others.

My premium API key includes 100k free queries per day. Are there any packages that can return how many are remaining? For example, the ggmap package has a geocodeQueryCheck(). The problem is I don't think this function actually returns the number remaining on your account. It doesn't ask for your API key. My guess is that it just keeps track of how many it has called today. The latest github version has a register_google() function that does allow you to set your API key, but when I make API requests with the gmapsdistance package, geocodeQueryCheck() doesn't update.

In summary, I just want to know how many are left. Even if I need to construct the URL address directly. When I look at the API documentation, I don't even see URL calls for it, which doesn't give me much hope.


  • As confirmed by @SymbolixAU, there is currently no way to do this.