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How to generate pretty print docs while using spring cloud contract

Without introducing spring cloud contract, I customized the configuration of restdocs as below,

  public JUnitRestDocumentation restDocumentation = new JUnitRestDocumentation();

  protected WebTestClient http;
  private ApplicationContext context;

   * setup.
  public void before() {
    this.http = WebTestClient.bindToApplicationContext(context)

However while using spring restdocs and cloud contract together, I have to use the annotation to enable rest docs and cloud contract,

@AutoConfigureRestDocs(uriHost = "theserver", uriPort = 80)
public abstract class BaseTest {

Any advice how to generate pretty print docs while generating cloud contract stubs?


  • What you can do is not to use the @AutoConfigureRestDocs but use the API to pass to WebTestClientRestDocumentation.documentationConfiguration(...) the .snippets().withAdditionalDefaults(new WireMockSnippet()) line. That way by default you will start producing WireMock snippets and all of your previous configuration will not be discarded.