I have a model Post
has_one_attached :cover
Having an attachment is not necessary. So, is there any way that I can add a default attachment even if the user doesn't provide one.
So, when the post is displayed there is a cover image I can show.
<% if @post.cover.attached? %>
<%= image_tag(@post.cover, class: 'card-img-top img-fluid') %>
<% else %>
<div class="text-align-center img-place-holder">
No Image Added Please add One
<% end %>
Is there any way other than checking if something is attached and trying to resolve it like this.
So, I could use,
<%= image_tag(@post.cover, class: 'card-img-top img-fluid') %>
directly without any if condition
thank you
If you want to attach a default image to post if one is not present then you can do this in a callback
# 1. Save a default image in Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "images", "default.jpeg")
# 2. In post.rb
after_commit :add_default_cover, on: [:create, :update]
private def add_default_cover
unless cover.attached?
self.cover.attach(io: File.open(Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "images", "default.jpeg")), filename: 'default.jpg' , content_type: "image/jpg")
# 3. And in your view
<%= image_tag(@post.cover, class: 'card-img-top img-fluid') %>
Or, If you don't want to attach the default cover to post but still want to show a image on post's show page
# 1. Save a default image in Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "images", "default.jpeg")
# 2. In post.rb
def cover_attachment_path
cover.attached? ? cover : 'default.jpeg'
# 3. And in your view
<%= image_tag(@post.cover_attachment_path, class: 'card-img-top img-fluid') %>