Here i wrote simple .find method its finding my data well but if that record is not available then its displying 1st Record
public _pagedItems : any;
this._pagedItems= this.allItems.find(e=>e.uniqueid = value);
if my uniquId is not avaible then its should display Nodata OR Null
Here is an example for handle null and undefined and return no data like
Your code is looking wrong. Your are code using (=) symbol. So change (==).
The difference between = and == (=) equal symbol is assigning value (==) symbol is comparing a value
For more proper example here,
public _pagedItems : any[]=[];
if(!this.isObjNull(value) && !this.isObjNull(this.allItems) && this.allItems.length>0){
if(this.allItems.find(e=>e.uniqueid ==value)){
//you need one data use find
this._pagedItems=this.allItems.find(e=>e.uniqueid == value);
//you need multiple data use filter
this._pagedItems = this.allItems.filter(e=>e.uniqueid == value);
//here Iam logged final variable
console.log("Final Paged Items",this._pagedItems);
//here is the method check null and undefined.
If(data!=null && data!=undefined){
return true:
return false;
You can handle html part like this
<ng-container *ngIf="_pagedItems; else noData">
<ng-container *ngIf="_pagedItems.length>0; else noData">
<!-- do you logic *ngFor -->
<ng-template #noData>
<p>No data found</p>
That's all let try this once. If any error please let me know.
Note:- here Iam used sample variable please replace your actual variable.
For comparison related more thing visit here. Difference between == and === in JavaScript