I'm passing a linked-list, containing another linked-list to a function but I am having problems de/referencing the internal linked list from the double pointer passed. The Compiler error here for the line push(*config->inner_linked_list...
is '*config' is a pointer; did you mean to use '->'
. Inside main &config->inner_linked_list
works fine. I cant seem to work out what sort of ref/deref I would need to use here.
typedef struct new_inner {
wchar_t setting[10];
wchar_t val[10];
struct new_inner * next;
}INTLL_t ;
typedef struct new_head {
wchar_t name[10];
struct INTLL_t * inner_linked_list;
struct new_head * next;
} HEAD_t;
// In Main
int main(){
HEAD_t * config;
config = malloc(sizeof(HEAD_t));
config = NULL;
//config populated elsewhere
BOOL functo1(HEAD_t ** config){
HEAD_t * current = *config;
while(current != NULL){
INTLL_t * s = another_ll; // Also INTLL_t
while(s != NULL){
push(*config->inner_linked_list, another_ll->setting,another_ll->val);
s = s->next;
current = current->next;
return TRUE;
Member access through pointer operator -> has higher priority than dereference operator * so when you do *config->inner_linked_list it tries to access a member of double pointer of HEAD_t which will result in an error. It works in main because there the config object is a normal pointer. You need parentheses for correct usage.