I would like to know if the following MATLAB/Octave code can be vectorized?
function grads = compute_grads(data, ann, lambda)
[~, N] = size(data.X);
% First propagate the data
S = evaluate(data.X, ann);
G = -(data.Y - S{2});
% Second layer gradient is easy.
l2g.W = G*S{1}';
l2g.b = mean(G)';
G = G' * ann{2}.W;
[m, d] = size(ann{1}.W);
[K, ~] = size(ann{2}.W);
% I would like to vectorize this calculation.
l1g.W = zeros(m, d);
l1g.b = mean(G)';
for i = 1:N
x = data.X(:, i);
g = G(i, :);
l1 = S{1}(:, i);
g = g * diag(l1 > 0);
l1g.W = l1g.W + g'*x';
grads = {l1g, l2g};
for k=1:length(grads)
grads{k}.W = grads{k}.W/N + 2*lambda*ann{k}.W;
The code computes the gradients for a two-layer neural network. The second layer has a softmax activation function as shown by line 4 G = -(data.Y - S{2});
. The first layer has ReLU activation implemented by the gunk in the for
-loop which operates on each sample at a time.
As you can see, there is an explicit for
-loop in the middle. Are there any array/matrix functions one can use instead to make the looping implicit?
The loop can be reduced to:
l1g.W = (data.X * (G .* (S{1} > 0).')).';
In vectorization we should avoid unnecessary operations. For example in
g = g * diag(l1 > 0);;
we can use element-wize multiplication to achieve the same thing:
g = g .* (l1.' > 0);
g = g .* (l1 > 0).';
Using that we can place some operations outside of the loop:
l1g.W = zeros(m, d);
G = G .* (S{1} > 0).';
for i = 1:N
x = data.X(:, i);
g = G(i, :);
l1g.W = l1g.W + g'*x';
So we have something like this:
for i = 1:N
W = W + something(i);
that can be written as:
W = sum(something);
Our loop can be reduced to:
l1g.W = sum(some_structrue_created_by_vectorizing(g'*x'));
We can use functions such as bsxfun
to create such a structure (i.e. a 3D matrix) but often such a structure requires a large amount of memory and the loop may be more efficient than vectorization. But wait we want to do sum of product of g
and x
so we can [and should always] think about using vector-matrix or matrix-matrix multiplication because they are very fast operations.
As we are performing outer product of g
and x
so matrix-matrix multiplication is the right choice.
G = G .* (S{1} > 0).';
l1g.W = (data.X * G).'
l1g.W = (data.X * (G .* (S{1} > 0).')).';