Is there a way to pass into a PL function that is called to give a default value and how do I work with it, the rest of the inserted values?
CREATE TABLE tokensStore (
users INTEGER REFERENCES users(id),
genDate timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
expDate timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now() + interval '24 hours',
token char(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT tokenGenerator(%%%INSERTED VALUES%%%)
and also I'm not sure this is a proper way to do this, I don't know if I should allow the NULL value and make a trigger that generates the value for the token.
The thing is that I don't want to allow null values in that column. And I also want to make Inserts with returning value token something like
INSERT tokensStore(user) VALUES (1) RETURNING token;
If anyone has good references on this It would be Highly appreciated.
You need a plpython trigger:
create or replace function before_insert_on_tokensstore()
returns trigger language plpython3u as $$
id = TD["new"]["id"]
users = TD["new"]["users"]
TD["new"]["token"] = users * 100 + id
# TD["new"]["token"] = generate_token(users, id)
return "MODIFY"
create trigger before_insert_on_tokensstore
before insert on tokensstore
for each row execute procedure before_insert_on_tokensstore();
Exemplary usage:
insert into tokensstore(users)
values (1)
returning token;
(1 row)
Of course, with the trigger you do not need a default value for token
Read about PL/Python Trigger Functions.