Search code examples

Validation to reject input if it consists of ALL numbers, contains space/s, and period/s (.)

In PowerSell, how can I include the necessary code, to the code below, that would reject any input that consists entirely of numbers/digits, but would accept alpha/alphanumeric values with or without hyphens, but NOT spaces or periods (.)?

DO {
$NewID = Read-Host -Prompt " NEW ID NAME of object (8-15 chars)   "
} UNTIL ($NewID.Length -gt 7 -and $NewName.Length -lt 16)


  • if($foo -notmatch '^\d+$' -and $foo -match '^\w[\w-]*$') { ...ok } else { ...bad }


    @( "123", "123 T", "123T", "123-T-456", "123 T 456" ) | 
    foreach-object { 
        if( $_ -notmatch '^\d+$' -and $_ -match '^\w[\w-]*$') { "'$_' passed" } 
        else { "'$_' failed" } 


    '123' failed
    '123 T' failed
    '123T' passed
    '123-T-456' passed
    '123 T 456' failed