I have this service call apiService, in there i can get the token that is generated in the server side.
.service('apiService', function ($http) {
return {
loginUser: function(user){
$http.post("http://localhost:3010/api/login", user).then(function(response){
console.log(response.data) * I get the token*
my loginCtrl
$scope.login = function(){
$apiService.loginUser($scope.credentials); * I pass the crendentials to my function on the client side and i receive a token in the service above*
I have try to put the token in my $localStorage but im getting a inject error because only providers are injectable in configuration blocks.
You dont require to define any module or inject any other module in the application. inject $window in your application and then you can access the localstorage module like this
angular.module('miniMynd', [])
.controller('loginCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
and then,
.service('apiService', function ($http,$window) {
return {
loginUser: function(user){
$http.post("http://localhost:3010/api/login", user).then(function(response){
$window.localStorage.setItem('token', response.data);
and you can retrieve the localStorage value like this