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python behave not detecting steps file

I am new to Python and Behave. I am trying to setup a POC for my automation project. I followed the tutorials from the behave document, but when i run behave, it throws steps are not detectable. What am i missing?

my folder structure looks like this.


feature file

Feature: Running sample feature

@smoke @regression
Scenario: Login to github and verify it works in testone feature of scenario one
Given Launch GITHUB app with "" and "githubtest"

step file

from behave import given, when, then, step

@given(u'Launch GITHUB app with "{text}" and "{text}"')
def step_impl(context, user, password):
    print(f"This is the given step with {user} and {password}")


λ behave
Feature: Running sample feature # features/testone.feature:1

  @smoke @regression
  Scenario: Login to github and verify it works in testone feature of scenario one  # features/testone.feature:4
    Given Launch GITHUB app with "" and "githubtest"                   # None

Failing scenarios:
  features/testone.feature:4  Login to github and verify it works in testone feature of scenario one

0 features passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped
0 scenarios passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped
0 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 1 undefined
Took 0m0.000s

You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:

@given(u'Launch GITHUB app with "" and "githubtest"')
def step_impl(context):
    raise NotImplementedError(u'STEP: Given Launch GITHUB app with "" and "githubtest"')

i noticed in my vscode editer , in the steps file, the pylint shows this message.

[pylint] E0611:No name 'given' in module 'behave'
[pylint] E0611:No name 'when' in module 'behave'
[pylint] E0611:No name 'then' in module 'behave'
[pylint] E0611:No name 'step' in module 'behave'


  • Your issue is that you're using the incorrect format in your step file. Try this:

    from behave import given, when, then, step
    @given(u'Launch GITHUB app with "{user}" and "{password}"')
    def step_impl(context, user, password):
        print("This is the given step with {user} and {password}".format(user, password))

    Notice that the parameter defined in the @given statement matches the parameter passed in the step_impl().

    Namely, if in the @given, you have

    @given(u'Launch GITHUB app with "{user}" and "{password}"')

    then in your step implementation, you should have

    def step_impl(context,user,password)

    Without this match, and in your current code, you'll receive the NotImplementedError because behave is looking for a step implementation with context and text as parameters in your step file, i.e. def step_impl(context, text).