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cumulocity smartrest template mqtt message not received

I created a smartREST template via the frontend:

  • templateCollectionId: mycid
  • messgaeID: 456
  • target rest api: EVENT

  • Method: POST

  • $.type: testType

  • $ .text: testText

  • $ .TIME: 2018-06-14 00:00

  • rest api custom fields:

  • testkey / string

  • testValue / string


456 <TestKey>, <test value>

If I send the following message, nothing matters in the list of events (devicemanagement -> Events):


could you help me? Thank you

UPDATE: I got the list of events via REST. There they appear. But why they do not appear on (frontend) under devicemanagement -> events and also on devicemanagement -> mydevice -> events?

smartRule template

enter image description here


  • Now I see the events also on the event list in "devicemanagement". They were always there, I had not seen them before because the $.time was set in the template in the past (see screenshot above). So the event entry was added to the list not at the top (as expected) but at some point below. Thanks TryManuZ for the tip to check the bugs