I need to enter 2 input values that shows the Usage of a storage space in megabytes (used_space and remaining_space) via a form and show the entered values from ngrx/Store. Each time the form is submitted the new values are showed and the old ones are updated. The problem is that the UI shows always the default values of (used_space and remaining_space) and I do not know if my architecture is right since I am new in ngrx/store.
Model (usage.model.ts):
export interface Usage {
used_space: number;
remaining_space: number;
Actions (usage.actions.ts):
export const EDIT_USAGE = '[Usage] Edit';
export class EditUsage implements Action {
readonly type = EDIT_USAGE
constructor(public payload: Usage) {}
export type All = Reset | EditUsage;
Reducer (usage.reducer.ts): export type Action = UsageActions.All;
/// Default app state
const defaultState: Usage = {
used_space: 2,
remaining_space: 3
/// Helper function to create new state object
const newState = (state, newData) => {
return Object.assign({}, state, newData)
export function usageReducer(state: Usage = defaultState, action: Action) {
switch(action.type) {
case UsageActions.EDIT_USAGE:
// return [...state, action.payload];
return newState(state, { Usage: action.payload });
case UsageActions.RESET:
return defaultState;
return state;
In app.component.ts:
usage: Observable<Usage>
constructor(private store: Store<AppState>) {
this.usage = this.store.select('usage')
editUsage(used_space,remaining_space) {
this.store.dispatch(new UsageActions.EditUsage({used_space:used_space , remaining_space:remaining_space}) )
In app.component.html:
<input type="text" #used_space>
<input type="text" #remaining_space>
<button (click)="editUsage(used_space.value,remaining_space.value)" >Edit Space</button>
<div *ngIf="usage | async as u">
<h2>Used space: {{ u.used_space }}</h2>
<h2>remaining space: {{ u.remaining_space }}</h2>
I am not seeing any result and I do not know what is wrong.
The problem lies in your reducer
switch(action.type) {
case UsageActions.EDIT_USAGE:
return newState(state, { Usage: action.payload }); <<--------
you are passing previous state and a new object with usage as a property
. What Object.assign
does is: create a new object, append previous state to it, attach a brand new property Usage
and add new values of store to that. Here's view of newly created object:
You can solve this passing the payload
switch(action.type) {
case UsageActions.EDIT_USAGE:
return newState(state, action.payload);
Plus, as long as you are updating object as whole in your reducer, I believe you don't need Object.assign()
too. You can directly return the action.payload
as it is the new state.