I'm outputting a list of links in which I need to mix values in the template coming from not one, but two individual JSON data sources.
Pseudo markup:
<a href="{link1}/{link2}">{title1}</a>
In the example above, link1 and title1 would come from JSON #1, whilst link2 would come from JSON #2.
To be clear: I know this challenge can be entirely avoided by merging the JSON data sources into a single service, yet in my scenario this is not possible, reasons aren't relevant.
Expanding a bit more on the total idea, the above pseudo markup I'm wrapping into an amp-list:
<amp-list id="mylist" width="auto" height="160px" layout="fixed-height" src="//json1">
<template type="amp-mustache">
<a href="{{buyURL}}={{UID}}">
<amp-img src="{{logoURL}}" width="{{logoWidth}}" height="{{logoHeight}}" layout="fixed" alt="{{name}}">
I've removed attributes irrelevant for the question. In the above code, all variables are coming from json1, except for the {{UID}} one. This one needs to come from a separate json service, let's call it json2 for now.
My challenge is therefore to integrate a value coming from a 2nd data source and mixing it into the template output binded to the first data source. Here's what I have tried:
I am stuck in implementing the above scenario. I don't know how to approach it, or where it is at all possible.
Self-answering my question. Note that this answer is hugely inspired by the other answer of Sebastian Benz, yet with some small changes.
<amp-state id="requestID">
<script type="application/json">
"unid": "123654"
<amp-list id="mylist" width="auto" height="160px" src="//.." items="..">
<template type="amp-mustache">
<a href="" [href]="'{{URL}}&id=' + requestID.unid">{{name}}</a>
In the above example, {{URL}} and {{name}} come from the amp-list JSON source, whilst requestID.unid comes from a second JSON source. The syntax shows how to concatenate both data sources into a single attribute: href. Key differences from the other answer given are: