I plan to to use led display containing TM1637.
Programming language: avr-gcc
I've found this library:
and it works for me by using of function led_print in this example:
However I cannot figure out how to use a variable for it instead of hard-coded string (Integer value is planned to be used but I'm not sure whether it's even possible as library expects string).
Programming language: avr-gcc
GCC is a cross-platform compiler, not a programming language. You are programming in "C" in this case, but it could as well be C++.
Integer value is planned to be used but I'm not sure whether it's even possible as library expects string
You have to convert the desired integer value to a string (char-array) representation. There are several ways to achieve that. A common one would be to use snprintf(). Also take a look at format strings.
#include <stdio.h> // library that contains snprintf()
char buffer[10]; // this is the char-buffer where your "string" will be stored
int value = 234452; // this is the value you want to convert
snprintf(buffer, 10, "%d", value); // this coverts "value" to a decimal representation as specified by the format string "%d" and copies it to "buffer"
Then you should be able to use
led_print(0, buffer);