I'm studying opencv and dlib, for a face detector to use on a university project, and I'm really new at this whole thing of machine learning and computer vision. How can I use the evaluation code from FDDB to evaluate my code for face detection? I'm using dlib's CNN method for detecting faces from images.
import cv2
import dlib
image = cv2.imread('..\\pessoas\\beatles.jpg')
detector = dlib.cnn_face_detection_model_v1("..\\mmods\\mmod_human_face_detector.dat")
detectedFaces = detector(image)
for face in detectedFaces:
l, t, r, b, c = (int(face.rect.left()), int(face.rect.top()), int(face.rect.right()), int(face.rect.bottom()),
cv2.rectangle(image, (l, t), (r, b), (255, 0, 0), 2)
cv2.imshow("CNN Detector", image)
As you can see the code is pretty simple, but I have to calculate precision, recall, and F1-score to plot the ROC curves and I'm don't know yet how to do it, the readme on the project's github doesn't help.
As to me in ubuntu16, I have to done it by the following steps:
Download the fddb original images dataset which you detect face and get detection result.You can download it here.Here is my directory:
Join all the images file path to a txt file , and join all the fddb annotations to a txt file. You can download all the files here
As to me I move all the FDDB-FOLD-%d.txt
to the directory all_file_path
, and then join them to one file by cat * > filePath.txt
Join all the FDDB-fold-%d-ellipseList.txt
to one txt by cat *ellipse*.txt > annotFile.txt
Note you may no need to create it, because runEvaluate.pl
have do it for you during the running process.
3.Create FDDB evalute exe, download the source code here here And then compile it , you may change the makefile, see the reason here, add
INCS = -I/usr/local/include/opencv
LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui
-lopencv_ml -lopencv_video -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_calib3d
-lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_contrib -lopencv_legacy
to the make file.
Evaluate, you can use the runEvaluate.pl
to evaluate it , but as to me(ubuntu16), I can’t run it directly.
4.1 change the GUNPLOT
path(you should install gnuplot
first using it to create ROC image )
4.2 I use rectangle detection model, so I change $detFormat
to 0.
my $detFormat = 0; # 0: rectangle, 1: ellipse 2: pixels
4.3 All the images relative path:
my $listFile ="/home/xy/face_sample/evaluation/compareROC/FDDB-folds/filePath.txt";
4.4 All the images annotations
my $annotFile = "/home/xy/face_sample/evaluation/compareROC/FDDB-folds/annotFile.txt";
4.5 The roc file you want to generate(created by evaluate exe):
my $gpFile ="/home/xy/face_sample/evaluation/compareROC/createROC.p";
4.6 You detection file (I will give how to create it latter)
my $detFile ="/home/xy/face_sample/evaluation/compareROC/detDir/fddb_rect_ret1.txt";
It’s content like that:
The ‘runEvaluate.pl’ have some error, change the execute evaluation to the below:
system($evaluateBin, "-a", $annotFile, "-d", $detFile, "-f", $detFormat, "-i", $imDir, "-l", $listFile, "-r", $detDir, "-z", ".jpg");
You can also use command to check it:
xy@xy:~/face_sample/evaluation/compareROC$ ./evaluate \
> -a /home/xy/face_sample/evaluation/compareROC/FDDB-folds/annotFile.txt \
> -d /home/xy/face_sample/evaluation/compareROC/detDir/fddb_rect_ret1.txt \
> -f 0 \
> -i /home/xy/face_sample/evaluation/compareROC/originalPics/ \
> -l /home/xy/face_sample/evaluation/compareROC/FDDB-folds/filePath.txt \
> -r /home/xy/face_sample/evaluation/compareROC/detDir/ \
> -z .jpg
Use python to create fddb evaluation txt file:
def get_img_relative_path():
:return: ['2002/08/11/big/img_344', '2002/08/02/big/img_473', ......]
f_name = 'E:/face_rec/face__det_rec_code/face_det/FDDB-folds/all_img_files.txt'
lst_name = open(f_name).read().split('\n')
return lst_name
def write_lines_to_txt(lst):
# lst = ['line1', 'line2', 'line3']
f_path = 'fddb_rect_ret.txt'
with open(f_path, 'w') as fp:
for line in lst:
fp.write("%s\n" % line)
# For example use opencv to face detection
def detect_face_lst(img):
:param img: opencv image
:return: face rectangles [[x, y, w, h], ..........]
m_path = 'D:/opencv/sources/data/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml'
face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(m_path)
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 5)
return faces
def generate_fddb_ret():
# The directory from which we get the test images from FDDB
img_base_dir = 'E:/face_rec/face__det_rec_code/face_det/originalPics/'
# All the images relative path, like '['2002/08/11/big/img_344', '2002/08/02/big/img_473', ......]'
lst_img_name = get_img_relative_path()
# Store detect result, like:
# ['2002/08/11/big/img_344', '1', '10 10 50 50 1', .............]
lst_write2_fddb_ret = []
for img_name in lst_img_name:
img_full_name = img_base_dir + img_name + '.jpg'
img = cv2.imread(img_full_name)
if img == None:
print 'error %s not exists, can not generate complete fddb evaluate file' % img_full_name
return -1
lst_face_rect = detect_face_lst(img)
# append img name like '2002/08/11/big/img_344'
face_num = len(lst_face_rect)
# append face num, note if no face 0 should be append
if face_num > 0:
# append each face rectangle x y w h score
for face_rect in lst_face_rect:
# append face rectangle x, y, w, h score
# note: opencv hava no confidence so use 1 here
s_rect = " ".join(str(item) for item in face_rect) + " 1"
except Exception as e:
print 'error %s , can not generate complete fddb evaluate file' % e
return -1
# Write all the result to txt for FDDB evaluation
After run the above code you can create FDDB result:
Note: when you create the above txt in windows, if you test it in ubuntu you may get the following errorIncompatible annotation and detection files. See output specifications
Just copy the content to a new txt file(created in ubuntu) then it solves.
Here is the result:
Some tips:
You can see the runEvaluate.pl
it's not hard, the above changes may not be needed.You can also change some variable in runEvaluate.pl
, like $GNUPLOT
, $imDir
and so on.
add "-z", ".jpg"
system($evaluateBin, "-a", $annotFile, "-d", $detFile, "-f", $detFormat, "-i", $imDir, "-l", $listFile, "-r", $detDir);
system($evaluateBin, "-a", $annotFile, "-d", $detFile, "-f", $detFormat, "-i", $imDir, "-l", $listFile, "-r", $detDir, "-z", ".jpg");
You can also read the evaluate
code(mainly the evaluate.cpp
which is easy to understand ), so you will have a deep understand of how to evaluate it.