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Finding what is writing to the Transaction Log in SQL Server?

Is there a way to see what is writing to the transaction log?

I have a log file that has grown 15 Gigs in the last 20 minutes. Is there a way for me to track down what is causing this?


  • Activity monitor will show you what is executing.

    DBCC OPENTRAN will show the oldest open transaction.

    There is also the dynamic management view sys.dm_tran_active_transactions. For example, here's a query that shows you log file usage by process:

    -- This query returns log file space used by all running transactions.
        SessionTrans.session_id as [SPID],
        enlist_count as [Active Requests],
        ActiveTrans.transaction_id as [ID], as [Name],
        ActiveTrans.transaction_begin_time as [Start Time],
        case transaction_type
            when 1 then 'Read/Write'
            when 2 then 'Read-Only'
            when 3 then 'System'
            when 4 then 'Distributed'
            else 'Unknown - ' + convert(varchar(20), transaction_type)
        end as [Transaction Type],
        case transaction_state
            when 0 then 'Uninitialized'
            when 1 then 'Not Yet Started'
            when 2 then 'Active'
            when 3 then 'Ended (Read-Only)'
            when 4 then 'Committing'
            when 5 then 'Prepared'
            when 6 then 'Committed'
            when 7 then 'Rolling Back'
            when 8 then 'Rolled Back'
            else 'Unknown - ' + convert(varchar(20), transaction_state)
        end as 'State',
        case dtc_state
            when 0 then NULL
            when 1 then 'Active'
            when 2 then 'Prepared'
            when 3 then 'Committed'
            when 4 then 'Aborted'
            when 5 then 'Recovered'
            else 'Unknown - ' + convert(varchar(20), dtc_state)
        end as 'Distributed State',
        DB.Name as 'Database',
        database_transaction_begin_time as [DB Begin Time],
        case database_transaction_type
            when 1 then 'Read/Write'
            when 2 then 'Read-Only'
            when 3 then 'System'
            else 'Unknown - ' + convert(varchar(20), database_transaction_type)
        end as 'DB Type',
        case database_transaction_state
            when 1 then 'Uninitialized'
            when 3 then 'No Log Records'
            when 4 then 'Log Records'
            when 5 then 'Prepared'
            when 10 then 'Committed'
            when 11 then 'Rolled Back'
            when 12 then 'Committing'
            else 'Unknown - ' + convert(varchar(20), database_transaction_state)
        end as 'DB State',
        database_transaction_log_record_count as [Log Records],
        database_transaction_log_bytes_used / 1024 as [Log KB Used],
        database_transaction_log_bytes_reserved / 1024 as [Log KB Reserved],
        database_transaction_log_bytes_used_system / 1024 as [Log KB Used (System)],
        database_transaction_log_bytes_reserved_system / 1024 as [Log KB Reserved (System)],
        database_transaction_replicate_record_count as [Replication Records],
        command as [Command Type],
        total_elapsed_time as [Elapsed Time],
        cpu_time as [CPU Time],
        wait_type as [Wait Type],
        wait_time as [Wait Time],
        wait_resource as [Wait Resource],
        reads as [Reads],
        logical_reads as [Logical Reads],
        writes as [Writes],
        SessionTrans.open_transaction_count as [Open Transactions(SessionTrans)],
        ExecReqs.open_transaction_count as [Open Transactions(ExecReqs)],
        open_resultset_count as [Open Result Sets],
        row_count as [Rows Returned],
        nest_level as [Nest Level],
        granted_query_memory as [Query Memory],
        SUBSTRING(SQLText.text,ExecReqs.statement_start_offset/2,(CASE WHEN ExecReqs.statement_end_offset = -1 then LEN(CONVERT(nvarchar(max), SQLText.text)) * 2 ELSE ExecReqs.statement_end_offset end - ExecReqs.statement_start_offset)/2) AS query_text
        sys.dm_tran_active_transactions ActiveTrans (nolock)
        inner join sys.dm_tran_database_transactions DBTrans (nolock)
            on DBTrans.transaction_id = ActiveTrans.transaction_id
        inner join sys.databases DB (nolock)
            on DB.database_id = DBTrans.database_id
        left join sys.dm_tran_session_transactions SessionTrans (nolock)
            on SessionTrans.transaction_id = ActiveTrans.transaction_id
        left join sys.dm_exec_requests ExecReqs (nolock)
            on ExecReqs.session_id = SessionTrans.session_id
            and ExecReqs.transaction_id = SessionTrans.transaction_id
        outer apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ExecReqs.sql_handle) AS SQLText
    where SessionTrans.session_id is not null -- comment this out to see SQL Server internal processes