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Is it possible to use a machine learning library with streaming inputs and outputs?

I want to incorporate machine learning into a project ive been working on but i havent seen anything about my intended use case. It seems like the old pandoras box project did something like this but with textual input and output. I want to train a model in real time as well as use it (and then switch it from testing to live api endpoints when it works well enough.) But every library ive found works like "feed in a datablob, get an answer" I want to be able to stream data into it: instead of giving it "5,4,3,4,3,2,3,4,5" and it says "1" or "-1" or "0" I want to give it "5" then "4" then "3" then "4" etc and each time it responds.

Im not even sure if "streaming" is the right word for this. Please help!


  • It sounds like a usecase for recurrent neural networks, which translate sequences (your stream) into single outputs or other sequences. This is a well-explored approach, e.g., in natural language processing. Tensorflow has support for different flavors of such nets.