When trying to create a pipeline in GoCD using the Go Server docker image I am having the change requested rejected.
To start the server i am running the command:
docker run --name gocd_server -d -p 8153:8153 -p 8154:8154 -v /Users/$(whoami)/workspace/gocd/godata:/godata -v /Users/$(whoami):/home/go gocd/gocd-server:v18.5.0
When it is started I can then proceed through the steps to click finish after creating the pipeline then the following image is displayed. The change you wanted was rejected.
When I look at the container logs I see:
2018-06-06 01:11:15,626 WARN [qtp57748372-20] Rails:-2 - Can't verify CSRF token authenticity
2018-06-06 01:11:15,635 ERROR [qtp57748372-20] Rails:-2 - ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken (ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken):
lib/jetty_weak_etag_middleware.rb:35:in 'call'
lib/catch_json_parse_errors.rb:23:in 'call'
For anyone interested I have found the solution. You have to access GoCD through HTTPS on port 8154 not 8153 as I was previously doing.
Link to solution from google group: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/go-cd/JlOEwWCl5v8/YoDYJ5rbBgAJ