I am working in a project with spring-cloud-gateway
. I see that the Request Size limitation filter is yet not available. But I need to develop it. Any idea , is it coming ? or should I start my own development.
I Know that it is difficult to get any answer, as except the developers there are a few persons who are working on it.
I have created a filter named RequestSizeGatewayFilterFactory
, It is working fine for our application as of now. But not sure this can be a part of the spring-cloud-gateway
package com.api.gateway.somename.filter;
import org.springframework.cloud.gateway.filter.GatewayFilter;
import org.springframework.cloud.gateway.filter.factory.AbstractGatewayFilterFactory;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.server.reactive.ServerHttpRequest;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
* This filter blocks the request, if the request size is more than
* the permissible size.The default request size is 5 MB
* @author Arpan
public class RequestSizeGatewayFilterFactory
extends AbstractGatewayFilterFactory<RequestSizeGatewayFilterFactory.RequestSizeConfig> {
private static String PREFIX = "kMGTPE";
private static String ERROR = "Request size is larger than permissible limit." +
"Request size is %s where permissible limit is %s";
public RequestSizeGatewayFilterFactory() {
public GatewayFilter apply(RequestSizeGatewayFilterFactory.RequestSizeConfig requestSizeConfig) {
return (exchange, chain) -> {
ServerHttpRequest request = exchange.getRequest();
String contentLength = request.getHeaders().getFirst("content-length");
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(contentLength)) {
Long currentRequestSize = Long.valueOf(contentLength);
if (currentRequestSize > requestSizeConfig.getMaxSize()) {
getErrorMessage(currentRequestSize, requestSizeConfig.getMaxSize()));
return exchange.getResponse().setComplete();
return chain.filter(exchange);
public static class RequestSizeConfig {
// 5 MB is the default request size
private Long maxSize = 5000000L;
public RequestSizeGatewayFilterFactory.RequestSizeConfig setMaxSize(Long maxSize) {
this.maxSize = maxSize;
return this;
public Long getMaxSize() {
return maxSize;
public void validate() {
Assert.isTrue(this.maxSize != null && this.maxSize > 0,
"maxSize must be greater than 0");
Assert.isInstanceOf(Long.class, maxSize, "maxSize must be a number");
private static String getErrorMessage(Long currentRequestSize, Long maxSize) {
return String.format(ERROR,
private static String getHumanReadableByteCount(long bytes) {
int unit = 1000;
if (bytes < unit) return bytes + " B";
int exp = (int) (Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(unit));
String pre = Character.toString(PREFIX.charAt(exp - 1));
return String.format("%.1f %sB", bytes / Math.pow(unit, exp), pre);
And the configuration for the filter is: When it works as a default filter:
name: somename
- Hystrix=default
- RequestSize=7000000
When needs to be applied in some API
# ===========================================
- id: request_size_route
uri: ${test.uri}/upload
- Path=/upload
- name: RequestSize
maxSize: 5000000
Also you need to configure the bean in some component scanable class in your project, which is GatewayAutoConfiguration
for the spring-cloud-gateway-core
public RequestSizeGatewayFilterFactory requestSizeGatewayFilterFactory() {
return new RequestSizeGatewayFilterFactory();