I want to be able to return Users who have a birthday between now and a specified time interval.
User Model
My Time Interval = 30 days
My Data Set
| id | name | birthday |
| 1 | Tim | 27/06/1994 |
My Attempt
SELECT * FROM User where User.birthday BETWEEN NOW()::timestamp AND to_char(NOW() + interval '30 days','MM-DD')::timestamp;
Empty. Postgres is assuming that by omitting the year I actually mean year 1.
What I want
This query to return all users whose birthday resides in the interval regardless of the year.
Attempt From Answers (Many thanks @Mureinik)
FROM user
TO_CHAR(NOW() + INTERVAL '30 days','MM-DD')
Issues with this answer
I generated a new date based on the current year and the user's birthday month and day, then see if that is in the next 30 days.
select *
from user
where date(date_part('year', current_date)||'-'||date_part('month', birthday)||'-'||date_part('day', birthday))
between current_date and current_date + interval '30 days';
For example:
# select * from user;
id | name | birthday
1 | Tim | 1994-06-27
2 | Steve | 1982-06-23
3 | Dave | 1980-07-29
(3 rows)
# select *
from user
where date(date_part('year', current_date)||'-'||date_part('month', birthday)||'-'||date_part('day', birthday))
between current_date and current_date + interval '30 days';
id | name | birthday
1 | Tim | 1994-06-27
2 | Steve | 1982-06-23
(2 rows)