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Laravel 5.5 Storage chain call add dir file filter class

i'am not very well OO, and search a few web site to write this class

now my problem is how to use this class just like the Laravel 5.5 build in Storage class

i want use like this


here is MyStorage class


namespace App\MySupport;

class MyStorage
    private $flag;
    private $disk;
    private $matches;

    public function __construct()
        $this->flag = false;
        $this->disk = '';
        $this->matches = [];

    public function disk($disk)
        $this->disk = $disk;
        return $this;

    public function addDirFilter($filter)
        if (! $this->flag)
            $this->flag = true;
            $subDirs[] = \Storage::disk($this->disk)->directories();
            foreach ($this->matches as $dir)
                $subDirs[] = \Storage::disk($this->disk)->directories($dir);

        $this->findMatch($subDirs, $filter);
        return $this;

    public function addFileFilter($filter)
        if (! $this->flag)
            $this->flag = true;
            $subFiles[] = \Storage::disk($this->disk)->files();
            foreach ($this->matches as $dir)
                $subFiles[] = \Storage::disk($this->disk)->files($dir);

        $this->findMatch($subFiles, $filter);
        return $this;

    public function findMatch($subItems, $filter)
        // set empty before update
        $this->matches = [];

        // if call this method by addDirFilter() , $subItem contain the Dir path, eg, DirA/DirB
        // if call this method by addFileFilter() , $subItem contain the File path, eg, DirX/File.txt
        foreach (array_collapse($subItems) as $subItem)
            // get the last str, eg, DirB OR File.txt
            $lastStr = @end(explode('/', $subItem));

            if ( preg_match('/^' . $filter . '$/u', $lastStr) )
                // update new matches
                $this->matches[] = $subItem;

    public function getMatch()
        return $this->matches;



namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\MySupport\MyStorage;

class TestController extends Controller
    public function storageTest()
        $MyStorage = new MyStorage();
        // for example in my dropbox disk have
        // school/2018-01-01/emails.txt
        // school/2018-02-02/Peter.jpg
        // travel/2017-06-06/TW.jpg

        $folders = $MyStorage->disk('dropbox')
        // $folders result is:
        // school/2018-01-01
        // school/2018-02-02

        $files = $MyStorage->disk('dropbox')
        // $files result is:
        // school/2018-02-02/Peter.jpg
        // travel/2017-06-06/TW.jpg

i tested seems all fine

can anyone point me to the direction, how to use MyStorage class just like Laravel 5.5 build in Storage class, thanks


  • You should use static function. Try replace your function as code below.

     public static function disk($disk)
         $instance = new MyStorage();
         $instance->disk = $disk;
         return $instance;

    Furthermore, I would suggest you learn singleton design pattern