Sadly, this valid code is considered negligent by the default setting of TSLint:
export const NO_FLAG: number = 0x0000;
export const DESTROY_FLAG: number = 0x0001;
export const NULL_FLAG: number = 0x0100;
export const START_FLAG: number = 0x0200;
export const STOP_FLAG: number = 0x0400;
export function getPackedFlags(destroy: boolean,
nullThing: boolean,
start: boolean,
stop: boolean): number {
const bitFlags: number = ((destroy) ? DESTROY_FLAG: NO_FLAG) |
((nullThing) ? NULL_FLAG: NO_FLAG) |
((start) ? START_FLAG: NO_FLAG) |
((stop) ? STOP_FLAG: NO_FLAG);
return bitFlags;
Doing the above produces this kind of output:
tslint --project ./tsconfig.json --format verbose --force
ERROR: (no-bitwise) C:/git/my-stuff/src/index.ts[393, 34]: Forbidden bitwise operation
ERROR: (no-bitwise) C:/git/my-stuff/src/index.ts[393, 34]: Forbidden bitwise operation
ERROR: (no-bitwise) C:/git/my-stuff/src/index.ts[393, 34]: Forbidden bitwise operation
The authors of TSLint have a strategy of setting this as default error. However, the Typescript compiler and proper programming usage dictates this is correct use of the | operator. In cases, where you intend to use bitwise, calling it an error is just plain silly.
I don't know how to turn off this linting issue on a case-by-case basis, but keep the global setting unchanged.
Fortunately, you can disable this on a single line basis, as follows:
export function getPackedFlags(destroy: boolean,
nullThing: boolean,
start: boolean,
stop: boolean): number {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-bitwise
const bitFlags: number = ((destroy) ? DESTROY_FLAG: NO_FLAG) |
((nullThing) ? NULL_FLAG: NO_FLAG) |
((start) ? START_FLAG: NO_FLAG) |
((stop) ? STOP_FLAG: NO_FLAG);
return bitFlags;