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Add a user-style to all links with a certain content?

Newbie question:

I'd like to scan a page for all links where the href starts with hide? and then I'd like to add style="float:left" to the link like:

<a href="hide?6765765" style="float:left">

How do I do this?
Thank you!


  • Here's one way. Google any unfamiliar terms (and also "jQuery selectors").

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name     _Float "hide" links
    // @match    *://YOUR_SERVER.COM/YOUR_PATH/*
    // @require
    // @require
    // @grant    GM_addStyle
    // @grant    GM.getValue
    // ==/UserScript==
    //- The @grant directives are needed to restore the proper sandbox.
    waitForKeyElements ("a[href^='hide?']", floatNodeLeft);
    function floatNodeLeft (jNode) {
        jNode.css ("float", "left");