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Loops with random sampling from a matrix and distance calculation

I got a list of nodes, and I need to randomly assign 'p' hubs to 'n' clients.

I got the following data, where the first row shows:

  • The total number of nodes.
  • The requested number of hubs.
  • The total supply capacity for each hub.

The following lines show:

  • The first column the node number.
  • The second column the "x" coordinate.
  • The third the "y" coordinate.

Below I will show the raw data, adding colnames() it would look something like this:

total_nodes hubs_required  total_capacity
    50           5              120

node number x_coordinate y_coordinate  node_demand
   1            2           62            3
   2           80           25           14
   3           36           88            1
   4           57           23           14
   .            .            .            .
   .            .            .            .
   .            .            .            .
   50           1           58            2

The x and y values are provided so we can calculate the Euclidean distance.


 50 5 120
 1 2 62 3
 2 80 25 14
 3 36 88 1
 4 57 23 14
 5 33 17 19
 6 76 43 2
 7 77 85 14
 8 94 6 6
 9 89 11 7
 10 59 72 6
 11 39 82 10
 12 87 24 18
 13 44 76 3
 14 2 83 6
 15 19 43 20
 16 5 27 4
 17 58 72 14
 18 14 50 11
 19 43 18 19
 20 87 7 15
 21 11 56 15
 22 31 16 4
 23 51 94 13
 24 55 13 13
 25 84 57 5
 26 12 2 16
 27 53 33 3
 28 53 10 7
 29 33 32 14
 30 69 67 17
 31 43 5 3
 32 10 75 3
 33 8 26 12
 34 3 1 14
 35 96 22 20
 36 6 48 13
 37 59 22 10
 38 66 69 9
 39 22 50 6
 40 75 21 18
 41 4 81 7
 42 41 97 20
 43 92 34 9
 44 12 64 1
 45 60 84 8
 46 35 100 5
 47 38 2 1
 48 9 9 7
 49 54 59 9
 50 1 58 2

I extracted the information from the first line.

nodes <- as.matrix(read.table(data))
clean_header <-gsub('X','',header)
requested_hubs <- as.numeric(clean_header[2])
max_supply_capacity <- as.numeric(clean_header[3])

I need to randomly select 5 nodes, that will act as hubs

node_to_hub <-nodes[sample(nrow(nodes),requested_hubs,replace = FALSE),]

Then randomly I need to assign nodes to each hub calculate the distances between the hub and each one of the nodes and when the max_supply_capacity(120) is exceeded select the following hub and repeat the process.

After the final iteration I need to return the cumulative sum of distances for all the hubs.

I need to repeat this process 100 times and return the min() value of the cumulative sum of distances.

This is where I'm completely stuck since I'm not sure how to loop through a matrix let alone when I have to select elements randomly.

I got the following elements:

capacity <- c(numeric()) # needs to be <= to 120
distance_sum <- c(numeric())
global_hub_distance <- c(numeric())

The formula for the euclidean distance (rounded) would be as below but I'm not sure how I can reflect the random selection when assigning nodes.

distance <-round(sqrt(((node_to_hub[i,2]-nodes[i,2]))^2+(node_to_hub[random,3]-nodes[random,3])^2))

The idea for the loop I think I need is below, but as I mentioned before I don't know how to deal with the sample client selection, and the distance calculation of the random clients.

    for(i in 1:100){
    for(i in 1:nrow(node_to_hub){
#Should I randomly sample the clients here???
    while(capacity < 120){ 
    node_demand <- nodes[**random**,3] 
    distance <-round(sqrt(((node_to_hub[i,2]-nodes[i,2]))^2+(node_to_hub[**random**,3]-nodes[**random**,3])^2))
    capacity <-c(capacity, node_demand)
    distance_sum <- c(distance_sum,distance)
global_hub_distance <- c(global_hub_distance,distance_sum)
capacity <- 0 
distance_sum <- 0 


  • Not EXACTLY sure what you are looking for but this code may be able to help you. It's not extremely fast, as instead of using a while to stop after hitting your total_capacity it just does a cumsum on the full node list and find the place where you exceed 120.

    nodes <- structure(list(node_number = 1:50, 
                   x = c(2L, 80L, 36L, 57L, 33L, 76L, 77L, 94L, 
                         89L, 59L, 39L, 87L, 44L, 2L, 19L, 5L, 
                         58L, 14L, 43L, 87L, 11L, 31L, 51L, 55L, 
                         84L, 12L, 53L, 53L, 33L, 69L, 43L, 10L, 
                         8L, 3L, 96L, 6L, 59L, 66L, 22L, 75L, 4L, 
                         41L, 92L, 12L, 60L, 35L, 38L, 9L, 54L, 1L), 
                   y = c(62L, 25L, 88L, 23L, 17L, 43L, 85L, 6L, 11L, 
                         72L, 82L, 24L, 76L, 83L, 43L, 27L, 72L, 50L, 
                         18L, 7L, 56L, 16L, 94L, 13L, 57L, 2L, 33L, 10L, 
                         32L, 67L, 5L, 75L, 26L, 1L, 22L, 48L, 22L, 69L,
                         50L, 21L, 81L, 97L, 34L, 64L, 84L, 100L, 2L, 9L, 59L, 58L), 
                   node_demand = c(3L, 14L, 1L, 14L, 19L, 2L, 14L, 6L, 
                                   7L, 6L, 10L, 18L, 3L, 6L, 20L, 4L, 
                                   14L, 11L, 19L,  15L, 15L, 4L, 13L, 
                                   13L, 5L, 16L, 3L, 7L, 14L, 17L, 
                                   3L, 3L, 12L, 14L, 20L, 13L, 10L, 
                                   9L, 6L, 18L, 7L, 20L, 9L, 1L, 8L, 
                                   5L, 1L, 7L, 9L, 2L)), 
              .Names = c("node_number", "x", "y", "node_demand"), 
              class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -50L))
    total_nodes = nrow(nodes)
    hubs_required = 5
    total_capacity = 120
    iterations <- 100
    track_sums <- matrix(NA, nrow = iterations, ncol = hubs_required)
    colnames(track_sums) <- paste0("demand_at_hub",1:hubs_required)

    And then I prefer using a function for distance, in this case A and B are 2 separate vectors with c(x,y) and c(x,y).

    euc.dist <- function(A, B) round(sqrt(sum((A - B) ^ 2))) # distances

    The Loop:

    for(i in 1:iterations){
      # random hub selection
      hubs <- nodes[sample(1:total_nodes, hubs_required, replace = FALSE),]
      for(h in 1:hubs_required){
        # sample the nodes into a random order
        random_nodes <- nodes[sample(1:nrow(nodes), size = nrow(nodes), replace = FALSE),]
        # cumulative sum their demand, and get which number passes 120, 
        # and subtract 1 to get the node before that
        last <- which(cumsum(random_nodes$node_demand) > total_capacity) [1] - 1
        # get sum of all distances to those nodes (1 though the last)
         all_distances <- apply(random_nodes[1:last,], 1, function(rn) {
          euc.dist(A = hubs[h,c("x","y")], 
                   B = rn[c("x","y")]) 
        track_sums[i,h] <- sum(all_distances)


    as a function:

    hubnode <- function(nodes, hubs_required = 5, total_capacity = 120, iterations = 10){
      # initialize results matrices
      track_sums <- node_count <- matrix(NA, nrow = iterations, ncol = hubs_required)
      colnames(track_sums) <- paste0("demand_at_hub",1:hubs_required)
      colnames(node_count) <- paste0("nodes_at_hub",1:hubs_required)
      # user defined distance function (only exists wihtin hubnode() function)
      euc.dist <- function(A, B) round(sqrt(sum((A - B) ^ 2))) 
      for(i in 1:iterations){
        # random hub selection
        assigned_hubs <- sample(1:nrow(nodes), hubs_required, replace = FALSE)
        hubs <- nodes[assigned_hubs,]
        assigned_nodes <- NULL
        for(h in 1:hubs_required){
          # sample the nodes into a random order
          assigned_nodes <- sample((1:nrow(nodes))[-assigned_hubs], replace = FALSE)
          random_nodes <- nodes[assigned_nodes,]
          # cumulative sum their demand, and get which number passes 120, 
          # and subtract 1 to get the node before that
          last <- which(cumsum(random_nodes$node_demand) > total_capacity) [1] - 1
          # if there are none
          if( last = nrow(random_nodes)
          node_count[i,h] <- last
          # get sum of all distances to those nodes (1 though the last)
          all_distances <- apply(random_nodes[1:last,], 1, function(rn) {
            euc.dist(A = hubs[h,c("x","y")], 
                     B = rn[c("x","y")]) 
          track_sums[i,h] <- sum(all_distances)
      return(list(track_sums = track_sums, node_count = node_count))
    output <- hubnode(nodes, iterations = 100)
    node_count <- output$node_count
    track_sums <- output$track_sums
         rowSums(track_sums), xlab = "Node Count", ylab = "Total Demand", main = paste("Result of", 100, "iterations"))