I am using PS version 5.0 and I have quite a few if
statements which might grow over time.
if ($hostname -like "**12*") {
Write-Output "DC1"
} elseif ($Hostname -like "**23*") {
Write-Output "DC2"
} elseif ($Hostname -like "**34*") {
Write-Output "DC3"
} elseif ($Hostname -like "**45*") {
Write-Output "DC4"
Can you suggest some better way of writing the same code?
You could use a switch statement. Here is an example using the -Regex
flag since it looks like you are doing just a simple match and then could cut out the *
$hostname = 'asdf12asdf'
switch -Regex ($hostname) {
"12" {Write-Output "DC1"}
"23" {Write-Output "DC2"}
"34" {Write-Output "DC3"}
"45" {Write-Output "DC4"}
Default {Write-Error "No Match Found"}
If you didn't want multiple matches add a ; Break
after each case. For example if you had a host name such as asdf12asdf34
a statement "12" {Write-Output "DC1"; Break}
would prevent the output both of 12
and 34