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Check DTS Package Info

In SQL Server 2005, I would check the version of my package like so:

USE [msdb]
SELECT [Name], CAST([VerMajor] AS VARCHAR(4)) + '.' + CAST([VerMinor] AS VARCHAR(4)) + '.' + CAST([VerBuild] AS VARCHAR(4)) 
AS [Version]
FROM [dbo].[sysdtspackages90]
WHERE [Name] IN ('MYPackage')
Order by [Name]

In SQL Server 2008 - I do not see the table [dbo].[sysdtspackages90].

If I replace the table with [dbo].[sysdtspackages] in my query, I get back 0 rows.

Where is the package information stored in 2008? Or am I not seeing any record returned by Select * from [dbo].[sysdtspackages] because I do not have the right permission?


  • Try

    SELECT * FROM msdb..sysssispackages

    Here's the docs on SQL Server Books Online

    Contains one row for each package that is saved to Microsoft SQL Server. This table is stored in the msdb database.