I'm using reason-apollo and having problems trying to setup refetchQueries
. My setup is very similar to the swapi example here. I have a listing and a form to add a new item via a mutation. After the mutation succeeds, I want to refetch the items in the listing. My code for creating a new item looks like this (skipping some of the irrelevant ui code):
module CreateFilm = [%graphql
mutation createFilm($name: String!, $favourite: Boolean!, $rating: Int!, $ratedOn: DateTime!) {
createFilm(name: $name, favourite: $favourite, rating: $rating, ratedOn: $ratedOn) {
module CreateFilmMutation = ReasonApollo.CreateMutation(CreateFilm);
type state = {
favourite: bool,
rating: int,
type action =
| ToggleFavourite
| UpdateRating(int);
let component = ReasonReact.reducerComponent("FilmNew");
let make = _children => {
initialState: () => {favourite: true, rating: 5},
reducer: action =>
switch (action) {
| ToggleFavourite => (
state => ReasonReact.Update({...state, favourite: ! state.favourite})
| UpdateRating(newRating) => (
state => ReasonReact.Update({...state, rating: newRating})
render: ({state, send}) => {
let now = Js.Date.make() |> Js.Date.toISOString |> Js.Json.string;
let newFilm =
~name="Temporary test",
(mutation, _result) =>
event => {
|> ignore;
onChange=((_) => send(ToggleFavourite))
("is favourite" |> ReasonReact.string)
<input _type="submit" value="Submit" />
The film gets successfully added and I can see it in the listing (which is using the allFilms
query) when the page is refreshed. But refetchQueries
does not seem to have any effect. My backend is using graph.cool, similar to the swapi example in the docs. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
The problem was not with the mutation, but with the query I wanted to refetch - it was missing its graphql operation name 🤦♂️