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Angular 4 - Access to father element view is undefined with @ViewChild

I need to create a modal to manage errors. So I suppose that the best solution is to put this modal in my app.component so that I can use a single modal in my project:

<my-dialog #MyErrorDialog>

now I need to open this modal in many components or services when an http code occurs but with the reference id:

@ViewChild('MyErrorDialog') MyErrorDialogReference: MyDialog; 

MyErrorDialogReference in my child component/service is undefined because the modal is in the app component.

I don't want to use @Input/@Output.


  • You can use service as:


    public errorMessage = new Subject<string>();
    setErrorMessage(value: string) {;

    any other component Notify service about error

    constructor(public errorService: ErrorService) { }
    setMessage(message) { // call this method whenever you get error

    app.component receive error in App component

    errorMessage: string;
    errorSubscription: Subscription;
    constructor(public errorService: ErrorService) { }
    ngOnInit() {
        this.errorSubscription = this.errorService.errorMessage.subscribe(
            (message) => {
                this.errorMessage = message;
                // open dialog with message
    ngOnDestroy() {