I would like to rename all variables in my Stata dataset with their label values automatically.
Any idea of how this can be done?
Example data:
input str13 usa str9 v338 str13(fra gbr)
"1.443888e+05" "0" "7.402382e+04" "2.017132e+05"
"1.540046e+05" "0" "2.091502e+05" "1.863581e+05"
"1.339439e+05" "0" "1.898640e+04" "1.540931e+05"
"1.340120e+05" "0" "6.982494e+04" "1.554574e+05"
"1.339604e+05" "0" "5.265134e+04" "1.593273e+05"
"1.436713e+05" "0" "2.477454e+05" "2.010521e+05"
"1.339533e+05" "0" "2.244940e+04" "1.542236e+05"
"1.339438e+05" "0" "1.898623e+04" "1.540923e+05"
"3.089005e+05" "0" "2.489533e+05" "1.941806e+05"
"1.387412e+05" "0" "2.759644e+04" "1.538440e+05"
Do you know a way to start from the second occurrence of local macro countries
I would like to exclude the first column from the local macro list.
This is how it can be done:
input str13 usa str9 v338 str13(fra gbr)
"1.443888e+05" "0" "7.402382e+04" "2.017132e+05"
"1.364555e+05" "0" "3.683586e+05" "1.988450e+05"
"2.577159e+05" "0" "3.995106e+05" "2.113975e+05"
"1.351904e+05" "0" "2.586979e+05" "1.905737e+05"
"1.339386e+05" "0" "1.895385e+04" "1.540146e+05"
"1.517621e+05" "0" "2.021519e+04" "1.769611e+05"
"1.540046e+05" "0" "2.091502e+05" "1.863581e+05"
"1.339439e+05" "0" "1.898640e+04" "1.540931e+05"
"1.340120e+05" "0" "6.982494" "1.554574e+05"
label variable usa USA
label variable v338 Unknown1
label variable fra France
label variable gbr Britain
local countries `r(varlist)'
foreach var of local countries {
rename `var' `: variable label `var''
| USA Unknown1 France Britain |
1. | 1.443888e+05 0 7.402382e+04 2.017132e+05 |
2. | 1.364555e+05 0 3.683586e+05 1.988450e+05 |
3. | 2.577159e+05 0 3.995106e+05 2.113975e+05 |
4. | 1.351904e+05 0 2.586979e+05 1.905737e+05 |
5. | 1.339386e+05 0 1.895385e+04 1.540146e+05 |
6. | 1.517621e+05 0 2.021519e+04 1.769611e+05 |
7. | 1.540046e+05 0 2.091502e+05 1.863581e+05 |
8. | 1.339439e+05 0 1.898640e+04 1.540931e+05 |
9. | 1.340120e+05 0 6.982494 1.554574e+05 |
I used some toy labels for the example and the command ds
to obtain all the names of the variables in the dataset in a local macro.
Type ds usa, not
instead of ds