#^^^^class stuff here for setting UI^^^^
# connecting combobox to slot/function get_baffle_number
# connecting PushButton action "clicked" to function on_click
#connecting lineEdit to slot/function get_baffle_cost
def get_baffle_cost(text):
baffle_cost = text
return baffle_cost
def get_baffle_number(text):
#add 1 to the index returned by comboBox to get the number desired by user
baffle_number = text + 1
return baffle_number
def calc_baffle_cost():
test_total = (get_baffle_cost() * get_baffle_number())
return test_total
def on_click(self):
baffle_cost = calc_baffle_cost()
After I connect that lineEdit
to the function via the pyqtSlot()
, it seems to get the value, but immediately dumps it if I attempt to use baffle_cost
from another function. I watch it in PyCharm during debugging and it holds it just as long as the lineEdit
has focus it seems. Pressing the pushButton
is right when it loses its value.
I cannot use the returned baffle_cost
anywhere from get_baffle_cost
Am I missing something? The furthest I've got is that attempting to simply print calc_baffle_cost()
and a hexadecimal is printed. I am assuming that is a memory location, but can't be sure. (new to Python)
Sorry if this isn't enough information. I am simply attempting to take baffle_cost
from a lineEdit
and multiplying that by a value taken from a comboBox
It seems my problem was two-fold, or more.
I was not correctly scoping my functions and not utilizing the right namespaces. (Sorry if this terminology is incorrect. I am new to Python and PyQt.)
class Ui_MainWindow(object):
def setupUi(self, MainWindow):
# sizing of widgets
def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow):
# UI stuff here QlineEdits, etc.
def get_baffle_cost(self):
baffle_cost = self.baffle_cost_lineEdit.text()
return baffle_cost
This needed to be in the same scope(indentation) as my retranslateUi()
function in my Ui_MainWindow
Class like above.
I think if I had better structured my project this wouldn't have been an issue. I have definitely learned my lesson about having it all in one script. (program.py)
The other issue(s) I encountered is that the PyQt function text()
called from a QlineEdit
returns a QString
and not a str
. I simply needed to cast it to a string.
I was losing the value because the function get_baffle_cost
wasn't properly scoped with the baffle_cost_lineEdit