Please help me edit my script to make it so when the block/part is clicked it will only execute the script once? I don't want to be able to click the block/part multiple times and the script play out per click. It should only move as far as it's stated ONCE when the block/part is clicked.
My script:
A simple way of dealing with this is to set a boolean from false to true when it has been clicked once, and check at the top of the function whether that boolean is true or false before proceeding.
local debounce = false
function foo()
if not debounce then
debounce = true
foo() -- Will print "Hi!"
foo() -- Will not print anything
You can apply the same logic to your script. If you are certain you only want this to happen once, you can alternatively disconnect your OnServerEvent-event once it runs. An event connection can be stored as a variable and later :Disconnect()-ed, similar to how you :Connect().
local myConnection
myConnection = myEvent:Connect(function()
myEvent:Fire() -- Prints "Hello!"
myEvent:Fire() -- Does nothing, because it is no longer connected/listening for input.