I have a nested list:
lists =[['a','b','c'],
I need to find sublists with 2 or more common (2 or more occurrences) first elements, make a single string from this elements, and make a single string from sublists, which does not contain common first elements. Sublists can go in different order, so just checking next or previous element is the wrong way, I suppose. Desired output:
[['a b','c'],
['a b','d'],
['a b','e'],
['с с с с']]
I tried some for loops, but with no success. I currently don't know, where to start, so any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time!
Probably not the most efficient way, but you could try something like this:
def foo(l,n):
#Get all of the starting sequences
first_n = [list(x) for x in set([tuple(x[:n]) for x in l])]
#Figure out which of those starting sequences are duplicated
duplicates = []
for starting_sequence in first_n:
if len([x for x in l if x[:n] == starting_sequence])>2:
#make changes
result = []
for x in l:
if x[:n] in duplicates:
result.append([" ".join(x[:n])]+x[n:])
result.append([" ".join(x)])
return result
Set's have no repeats, but elements of sets must be hashable. Since lists are unhashable, that is why I have converted them into tuples and then back into lists.