I have a new android App which I successfully connected with Firebase. I have also successfully enabled Crashlytics (via Firebase). To my surprise, I found out, that Firebase does not have Crashlytics Beta yet. However, I'd like to distribute test versions of the app via Crashlytics Beta.
So I tried to add the App to the Fabric (not Firebase) console as well, but the Android Studio Fabric Plugin is not detecting it and it does not appear in the Fabric Console.
So my question is twofold: Can I somehow distribute the test app via Firebase? If not, how can I add the App to the Fabric console as well? Note, there was no prior integration of fabric, I just integrated fabric via firebase directly.
There is a fabric plugin available in android studio. Install that. Once you sign in, you can choose for crashlytics and it will auto integrate your app with fabric.
Then for checking crashes, you can go to fabric.io console and check it. check if you have done following :
In build.gradle
repositories {maven { URL 'https://maven.fabric.io/public' }}
dependencies {classpath 'io.fabric.tools:gradle:1.25.1'}
apply plugin: 'io.fabric'
In Application class
Fabric.with(this, new Crashlytics())
In Manifest:
android:value="your key"/>