Tried to research around but couldn't find a solution. I would like to use the CupertinoSliverNavigationBar which is the large title version of the top navigation bar I could achieve this in Xcode Storyboard but simply adding buttons to the top bar but the trailing
option only allows a single widget.
I tried using a Row()
but that messes up the location and the title aloooot.
Composing your comment coversation into an answer:
trailing: Row(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: ...
You also asked how one would go about removing the shadow below the navigation bar. That is impossible with the CupertinoSliverNavitionBar
. Taking a look at the constructor, you will notice that there is nothing like an elevation
value. You would have to create a custom widget for this.
This also makes sense because it should look like "iOS-11-style" and removing the shadow would remove that feature.