I have a dialog that opens and contains a component... in the component I do a subscription. When closing I want to unsubscribe..
private deviceObserver: Observable<BreakpointState> = this.breakpointObserver.observe([Breakpoints.XSmall]);
this.deviceObserver.subscribe(result => {
if (result.matches) {
this.deviceType = 'mobile';
} else {
this.deviceType = 'desktop';
ngOnDestroy() {
That gives me this error:
Property 'unsubscribe' does not exist on type 'Observable'. Did you mean 'subscribe'?
For some reason doing the unsubscribe in ngOnDestroy broke the app... This is how I solved it:
private deviceObserver: Observable<BreakpointState> = this.breakpointObserver.observe([Breakpoints.XSmall]);
private breakpointObserverSubscription: Subscription;
// in ngOnInit()
this.breakpointObserverSubscription = this.deviceObserver.subscribe(result => {
if (result.matches) {
this.deviceType = 'mobile';
} else {
this.deviceType = 'desktop';
public closeSearch() {